As Lynn and sidekick Mary Corbley meander back to Houston via a different route through Arkansas and Texas, they encounter new vistas and enchanting small towns. Heading East on Rt. 74 to Jasper, AR then South on Rts 7 and 27 brought unfamiliar and unspoiled panoramas for women and machines. Mary battled a head wobble issue and the trio discusses this dreaded problem and possible solutions.
Lynn corralled Suzuki DR650 ridin’ gents Buddy and Mark, from Lousiana while in Jasper, AR. They declare NW Arkansas the best dual sporting they’ve done! Wanna know why?
News bytes include USDOT’s plans for Road to Zero, prioritizing safety over vehicle movement. California’s OHMVPC votes to double the size of Carnegie OHV park in Northern Cal. RedBull Straight Rhythm Mx Event featured its first electric motorcycle.

Alta’s E-bike
Danny Erdeljac, proprietor of Rio Bravo MotoCross Park in Houston Tx, gets into why their membership count is over 13,000 at this time! A motosport fixture since 1972, Danny shares details of the latest upgrades and gives us a taste of the events planned for the upcoming Old School Reunion and AHRMA Nationals coming up this November 11-13. Own a jeep? Listen Up!
Listen in below.
Comments 2
Hey Lynn great show you and Donny have.
I will be keeping up and spreading the word about your program
It was a pleasure meeting you and Mary in Jasper ..made our day
Love the interaction you encounter down the road
Thanks for listening and most of all for taking time to visit. Sure enjoyed meeting with you. Hope we can catch up with each other in the future! – LB